Reservation for: March, 23, 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Group: Girl Scout Troop 720
Contact Name: Christine Marshall
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Contact email:
City: Fort Collins
Phone: 970.775.3421
Number of adults: 4
Number of children: 10
Message: **It only let me input tour from 3-5pm, but we actually need to come around 4:30pm-can we arrange a two hour tour at that time?** Also, the number of adults & children is approximate, but a very close guess…
This tour is for a troop of 10-11 year old girl scouts and we’d love to learn about astronomy and telescopes and hopefully see the sun or planets through the telescopes during our daytime visit.
Thanks! I look forward to hearing from you.
Christine Marshall
How you found LTO: online search
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Lead volunteer – Meinte
Minimum # of additional volunteers needed – #
Volunteers Assigned – Jay Wilson, XXXX