Our April video has been posted on YouTube:
Searching for Planets Around Other Stars
Our April video has been posted on YouTube:
Searching for Planets Around Other Stars
The video from our March public talk has been published on YouTube
The video from our December talk has been published on YouTube. Star of Wonder with John Ensworth. John shows us the possible origin of the Star of Bethlehem using various historical time-lines and current modern day techniques to attempt to solve the mystery. Updated for 2015.
The video from our November talk has been published on YouTube
Deploying the Hubble Space Telescope with Astronaut Loren Shriver
The video from our October talk has been published on YouTube.
The video from our September Public Talk has been posted on our YouTube Channel.
Our speaker was John Ensworth. Mr. Ensworth is currently the Senior Science Education Specialist at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. John will take you through the discoveries of Newton and Einstein and see how a simple question about light changed our understanding of the universe.
The video from our August Public Talk has been posted on our YouTube Channel.
Former astronaut Joe Tanner talks about Exploration! Also, here is the link to the YouTube video that is referenced at the end of the talk: www.youtube.com/watch?v=spXqcPRa2bw
The Truth about EMP
Open to the Public
August 27th, 2015 at 7:00 pm
Electromagnetic Pulse: Separating Fact from Fiction
Physicist Joe Bowden will present an overview of what science really knows about Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), originating both from natural events and man-made causes such as military weapons and terrorist devices,